Sunday, January 27, 2008

Poetry Selection Marking Criteria

Exceeding Expectations (88-98)
I’ve completed at least 5 of the poetry section assignments. My work is original, with effective use of poetic techniques (sound and babble, imagery, form, rhythm and movement devices). My work is fluid, creative, and polished and mine. I took some risks in putting myself or my poetry out there. My poems are typed or written neatly and legibly. They all have titles. I made an original title page. I am very proud of my poetry selection, and the sincere effort I put into it. Possible inclusions: imagery poems, personal poem selection w commentary, found poems, concrete poems, extended metaphor, one or more poems written outside of class this year.
o 88% o 93% o 98%

Meeting Expectations (75-85)
I’ve tried and completed 4 of the poetry section assignments as outlined. I made a sincere effort to do my best by taking into account poetic techniques, and by taking a risk in my writing. My poems are typed or written neatly, and are mine. I have a title page with my name on it. I have met more than the minimum expectations, and I am proud of my poetry selection. I’ve showed some growth this term in poetry over last year!
o 75% o 80% o 85%

Basically Meeting Expectations (60-70)
I have not have completed all 4 of the poetry section assignments, by choice. I could easily have made more of an effort, and I didn’t take any risks whatsoever in this assignment. In fact, not all of my poems may even be original. I may have a title page with my name on it, and my poems are typed or written in ink or pencil. I have a very basic bread and butter poetry selection done. That’s it.
o 60% o 65% o 70%

Friday, January 25, 2008

Friday, January 25th

We are almost at the end of the semester! We've been working on poetry, including:
a) found poetry (newspaper, poetry magnets, anthologies)
b) concrete and formulaic poems (haiku, tanka, cinquain)
c) imagery poems (colour poems, imagery poems, William Carlos Williams inspirations)
d) extended metaphor poems ( Full Moon Me, There is a Wilderness in Me)
...we've discussed triggers and inspirations for writing your own poetry. See my online poetry unit for ideas and inspirations. Class time will be given for your poetry selection. You must include a minimum of four poetic styles, as we discussed in class. Next class we'll be discussing odes and elegies, including songs such as "Afterglow" by INXS.
We also have been working on staging scenes from a Midsummer Night's Dream.
Upcoming Due Dates:
1. Monday, January 28th: in-class reading assessment
2. Wednesday, January 30th: Poetry Selections and MSND scene presentations

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Wednesday, January 9th

This week we've begum "A Midsummer Night's Dream," a play by William Shakespeare. We've started off with a powerpoint on Shakespeare, and tried some Shakespearean insults!I've posted the learning outcomes and unit activities today. I outlined the story of the play, and we read a simplified version of it. We previewed different versions of perfoming the play on my MSND video blog. We read Act One, Scene One to get a flavour for language.

Learner to do list:
1. Review terms: soliloquy, monologue, aside, blank verse